Kate McQuade
An Accident of Nature

Kate McQuade - An Accident of Nature

Kate McQuade’s first novel, Two Harbors, was published by Harcourt under the name Kate Benson and released in the Netherlands as De Vrouw Die Haar Leven Acteerde in 2008. Her more recent fiction and… Read more »
Roisin Kelly

Roisin Kelly - Ballycotton

Roisin Kelly is an Irish poet who was born in Belfast and raised in Co. Leitrim, and has since found her way to Cork City via a year on a remote island in the west of Ireland. Her poems have appeared… Read more »
Patricia Colleen Murphy
Dad’s Last Entrechat

Patricia Colleen Murphy - Dad’s Last Entrechat

Patricia Colleen Murphy founded Superstition Review at Arizona State University, where she teaches creative writing and magazine production. Her work has appeared in many literary journals, including… Read more »
David Kirby
I Love You, John Maynard Keynes

David Kirby - I Love You, John Maynard Keynes

David Kirby's collection The House on Boulevard St.: New and Selected Poems was a finalist for the National Book Award in 2007. Kirby is the author of Little Richard: The Birth of Rock ‘n’ Roll,… Read more »
Virginia Smith Rice
I Won’t Be that Foolish (Domineer, Devour)

Virginia Smith Rice - I Won’t Be that Foolish (Domineer, Devour)

Virginia Smith Rice is the author of When I Wake It Will Be Forever (Sundress Publications, 2014.) Her poems appear in Cincinnati Review, Denver Quarterly, Massachusetts Review, Meridian, Salamander,… Read more »
Destiny Birdsong
Injection Ending in a Bible Verse

Destiny Birdsong - Injection Ending in a Bible Verse

Destiny Birdsong is a Pushcart-prize nominated poet and essayist whose poems have either appeared or are forthcoming in African American Review, At Length, Little Patuxent Review, Potomac Review, and… Read more »
Matthew Landrum

Matthew Landrum - Mortling

Matthew Landrum is poetry editor of Structo Magazine. His poems and translations have recently appeared in PANK, The Michigan Quarterly Review, and The Notre Dame Review. "Mortling" recently appeared… Read more »
Michael Johnson
Sitting on a Fallen Cedar

Michael Johnson - Sitting on a Fallen Cedar

Michael Johnson is from Bella Coola, British Columbia. His poetry and essays have appeared in The Southern Review, The Fiddlehead, Weber, Shenandoah, and The Malahat Review, among others, and been… Read more »
Paul David Adkins
Where Are They Now? – La Llorona

Paul David Adkins - Where Are They Now? – La Llorona

Paul David Adkins grew up in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and lives in New York, working as a counselor. He served in the US Army for 21 years, three months, and 18 days. Read more »

I Won’t Be that Foolish (Domineer, Devour)

Virginia Smith Rice

And now, O Lord, behold, these nations, which are reputed as nothing, domineer over us and devour us.

– 2 Esdras 6:57

My mother’s bones are soft, softer. Ten children
take turns pressing into her
humerus, her uncertain wrist. We are kind about it

sometimes (blue underfoot,
under our nails). If she could have been her own
parent there would be more ribbon

and hospital corners. My mother and I
understand one another—
we stay wary, holding a fear in

common: that she is doing it wrong. Now,
each child cannot stop caring
about who leaves the deepest depression.

That woman is no longer ours.
She is busy reclaiming who she was
before us. I bury my mother daily

and with a flourish I become her
resurrection. Once, when I was five, green-
loud noonlight hurt my eyes

and I wished for the sun to go away.
It left for forty days. Even then I knew that
if I could order the world, I would

do a terrible job. Mother, you are queen
ruling all the starlings. They are your own
murmuration—come home, come home.

The house is empty. Your birth bench weathers
open air and trellises the wild
dog rose. On the hillside something whistles,

hidden in razor grass and cineraria—go in, go in.
Mother, you are growing small and smaller. Soon
you will fit in a keyhole the size of a church.
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