Dani Sandal
(dis) Connect

Dani Sandal - (dis) Connect

Lately (2012 or forthcoming), you can read Dani Sandal in the Raleigh Review, Adirondack Review, New Orleans Review, Puerto del Sol, Monkeybicycle, Camroc Press, Mad Hatter's Review, PANK, Doctor T.J.… Read more »
Bill Snyder

Bill Snyder - Beep

Contest - 2nd Place
Bill Snyder has published in Atlanta Review, Poet Lore, Folio, Cottonwood, and Southern Humanities Review among others. He was the co-winner of the 2001 Grolier Poetry Prize, and the winner of the… Read more »
Mark Pritchard
Bullet in the Back

Mark Pritchard - Bullet in the Back

Contest - 3rd Place
Mark Pritchard is the author of two books of short stories, How I Adore You and Too Beautiful and Other Stories. His short fiction has been published by Crony, New Lit Salon, Fiction Attic, and… Read more »
Michelle Bracken
Eating Together

Michelle Bracken - Eating Together

Creative Nonfiction
Michelle Bracken is a fiction candidate in the MFA program at California State University, San Bernardino. Her work has appeared in Litro Magazine. Read more »
Mark Mitchell
Foreign Hand

Mark Mitchell - Foreign Hand

Mark J. Mitchell studied writing at UC Santa Cruz under Raymond Carver, George Hitchcock, and Barbara Hull. His work has appeared in various periodicals over the last thirty-five years as well as the… Read more »
Kate Wheeler
Hate It Here

Kate Wheeler - Hate It Here

Kate Wheeler grew up in North Carolina among green things. She received her MFA from Sarah Lawrence College, and her work has appeared in Electric Literature's Recommended Reading and The Westchester… Read more »
Daniel Enjay Wong
Heart of Glass

Daniel Enjay Wong - Heart of Glass

Daniel Enjay Wong received his BA from Stanford University and plans to attend medical school. His stories have appeared in Tin House, PANK, Spork Press, Monkeybicycle, JMWW, and elsewhere. He lives… Read more »
Jane O. Wayne
If Mourning

Jane O. Wayne - If Mourning

Jane O. Wayne is the author of four books of poetry, the latest of which is The Other Place You Live (Mayapple Press, 2010). A poem of hers along with an interview appeared in Catherine Rankovic’s… Read more »
Mitchell Untch
It’s Summer This Dream

Mitchell Untch - It’s Summer This Dream

Mitchell Untch has been published in The Los Angeles Review, New Millennium Writers Contest, The Monadnock Anthology, Nimrod Intl., The Wisconsin Review, Out of Ours, Aurorean, The Unrorean… Read more »
Vickie Fang
My Last Chance

Vickie Fang - My Last Chance

Vickie Fang is a reformed trial lawyer with a recent MFA degree. She is now writing full time and has completed a literary thriller about two antagonists from the Chinese Cultural Revolution who meet… Read more »
J.R. Tappenden
R is for Rhoda Consumed by a Fire

J.R. Tappenden - R is for Rhoda Consumed by a Fire

J.R. Tappenden is the founding editor of Architrave Press. She earned an MFA in poetry from the University of Missouri – St. Louis where she also served as the university’s first Poet Laureate.… Read more »
Colleen Abel
Remake: The Kiss

Colleen Abel - Remake: The Kiss

Colleen Abel is the author of Housewifery, a chapbook (dancing girl press, 2013). A former Diane Middlebrook Poetry Fellow, her work has appeared in numerous venues including The Southern Review,… Read more »
Jennifer Givhan
Ritual With Fish Water

Jennifer Givhan - Ritual With Fish Water

Jennifer Givhan was a PEN/Rosenthal Emerging Voices Fellow and a 2015 National Endowment for the Arts poetry fellowship recipient, as well as the 2013 DASH Literary Journal Poetry Prize winner, an… Read more »
Paige Towers
The Cooldown

Paige Towers - The Cooldown

Creative Nonfiction
Paige Towers earned her B.A. from the University of Iowa and her MFA from Emerson College, where she also taught Creative Writing and Composition. She currently lives in New York City, teaches in the… Read more »
William Black
The Pleasure Dome

William Black - The Pleasure Dome

William Black's fiction and critical essays have appeared in Crazyhorse, Threepenny Review, Southern Review, The Sun, World Literature Today, Boulevard, and elsewhere. Read more »
Joanne M. Clarkson
The Stone Masons

Joanne M. Clarkson - The Stone Masons

Contest - 1st Place
Joanne M. Clarkson’s fourth poetry collection, Believing the Body, was published in 2014 by Gribble Press. She was awarded a 2014 GAP grant from Artist Trust to complete her next full-length volume.… Read more »
Stephanie Lenox
The Take This Job and Shove It Ode

Stephanie Lenox - The Take This Job and Shove It Ode

Stephanie Lenox is the author of the poetry collection Congress of Strange People (Airlie Press) and the poetry chapbook The Heart That Lies Outside the Body (Slapering Hol Press). Poems from a… Read more »

The Take This Job and Shove It Ode

Stephanie Lenox

Soon the children will come home having learned
new obscenities to hurl at each other
across the cul-de-sac, meaning “end of the road,
bottom of the sack that is your body.”
Division and subdivision, each weekend
there is a new fence hewn from raw wood
that draws more hornets, too many wind-chimes
at the mercy of weather. Your son has a puzzle
in a frame with one piece missing
that he pushes around and around
trying to make a picture. Your dog lacks control
and greets you so ferociously you fear
one day he will turn on you and eat your face.
What other life did you think was possible?
Sit down, you’re having spaghetti again, and yes,
you must finish it. There are days when you are the best human
humanly possible. And then there are all the others.
Failure, you will say in your next interview,
is an opportunity. Like the open window a bird flew in
was an opportunity for the lazy housecat.
You want to scream, Because of you I’m ruined!
You have not slept well this past decade.
At the office, there is a cake that says Farewell.
It is loaded with frosted roses
and it would be a shame not to partake.
A co-worker confides: It’s only the first and last
weeks that they even take note of you.
They, meaning management, handing you a balloon
and an engraved pen, smiling.
You are closer to the last week of your life
than the first, so squalling naked in a crowded room
would be hardly appropriate now.
Your boss once said, Don’t you ever think?
And you thought, I will have my revenge,
not like the others. I will take retirement
from these sons and daughters of bitches and never
look back. There is no sense explaining
to a beetle what it means to be you,
to get your kind of mail, to feel the electricity
up-surging through joints every time you rise from bed.
The sun goes down and everyone heads into
separate living rooms to watch different shows.
With such flickering, you might think
we have something in common. Oh, but we do.
The boss is the same everywhere and for everyone,
an asshole in a black suit holding a flaming cake,
coming closer and closer, and beyond that, the door.
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