Richard Prins
In Swahili, "mzungu," the word for a white person, originates from the verb "zunguka,”
meaning "go around in circles,” as early colonists seemed to do.
Flick. My spirit
cracks, pearls
of oil in a slim green tube. Globe
blurring on my fingertip. Spin,
pluck. Mudsucked babies
scream when they see me
land. I come in spheres,
convince fears. Of snow
men melting their capes.
Skin, a rare license plate,
sucking glare. I wish
I could burn less
quick. I race
sky up a cliff.
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meaning "go around in circles,” as early colonists seemed to do.
Flick. My spirit
cracks, pearls
of oil in a slim green tube. Globe
blurring on my fingertip. Spin,
pluck. Mudsucked babies
scream when they see me
land. I come in spheres,
convince fears. Of snow
men melting their capes.
Skin, a rare license plate,
sucking glare. I wish
I could burn less
quick. I race
sky up a cliff.