Robert Evory
Cartel Sadness

Robert Evory - Cartel Sadness

Robert Evory is a poet and musician from Detroit, Michigan. With an MFA from Syracuse University he currently teaches creative writing as a Doctoral Assistant at Western Michigan University where he… Read more »
Jen DeGregorio

Jen DeGregorio - Intruder

Jen DeGregorio's poetry and prose has appeared in Able Muse, The Collagist, PANK, The Rumpus, and other publications. She teaches writing in New York and New Jersey and runs the Cross Review… Read more »
Caitlin Scarano
Moon Among Mammals

Caitlin Scarano - Moon Among Mammals

Caitlin Scarano is a poet in the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee PhD creative writing program. She was a finalist for the 2014 Best of the Net Anthology and the winner of the 2015 Indiana Review… Read more »
Jehanne Dubrow
Nocturne with Orders to Yokosuka

Jehanne Dubrow - Nocturne with Orders to Yokosuka

Jehanne Dubrow is the author of five poetry collections, including most recently The Arranged Marriage (U of New Mexico P, 2015), Red Army Red (Northwestern UP, 2012), and Stateside (Northwestern UP,… Read more »
John Walser
Nothing Howls

John Walser - Nothing Howls

John Walser, an associate professor of English at Marian University in Wisconsin and a founding member of the Foot of the Lake Poetry Collective, holds a doctorate in English and Creative Writing from… Read more »
Amie Whittemore
Spell for the End of Grief

Amie Whittemore - Spell for the End of Grief

Amie Whittemore earned her MFA from Southern Illinois University Carbondale and her poems have appeared in North American Review, Smartish Pace, Gettysburg Review, Cimarron Review, The Hollins Critic,… Read more »
Gary Hawkins
The Surveyor

Gary Hawkins - The Surveyor

Gary Hawkins is a poet, teacher, and scholar who grew up in the suburbs of the West. His debut collection of poetry, Worker, is forthcoming from Main Street Rag in 2016. His poetry, pedagogy, and… Read more »

Cartel Sadness

Robert Evory

The cartel needs my sadness so it walks into the crossfire
They say they just want to talk
My sadness is unreported income
My sadness is in a fistfight with itself
The cartel flies a dust cropper in to pick up the winner
The cartel wants my sadness to cook
The cartel is poisoning itself from the inside
The cartel is struggling for position
The cartel has a hospital in the desert where its rival can’t find them
The cartel split my sadness among the henchmen
The rival planted a bomb and my sadness smelled it out
Sadness wears a bulletproof vest
Sadness will never have a chalk outline
Sadness sent rival a message
A rocking chair and a string of chicken wire
Sadness can’t be dusted for prints
The cartel needs a triggerman
Sadness pasted a letter from words in a magazine
Sent it to the Gestapo called grief
Yakuza called fear
Sadness put a husband and wife back to back to save a bullet
Sadness is in the green revolution, purple revolution
Velvet, orange, and blue revolutions
Sadness is bankrupting the world
Sadness is wanted for espionage
And extradition to Singapore
Sadness holds the man named trust for ransom
Sadness says “I love you” on the battlefield
Sadness is dug out from under your home
Sadness and freedom tremble together
Sadness calls the Moon by her real name
Opens her door naked to the world
Sadness is the dough that didn’t rise
The wine turned to vinegar
Sadness is a motorcycle stunt driver for expectations
Sadness is freeing chicks from their nest
Pulls up the vein of an addict
Sadness shoots up between the toes
Sadness is in a diner at dawn with a broken wrist eating meatloaf
Sadness is sucking the tit of depression
Kissing indifference on the mouth
Tonguing between the thighs of hope
Sadness is night living in the mind that doesn’t rise
Sadness is a bead of truth we all have to stroke
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