Sara Eddy
Sara Eddy is a writing instructor at Smith College, in Northampton, Massachusetts. Some of her poems have appeared recently in Zingara, Tishman Review, and Heartwood, and are forthcoming in Raw Art Review and Spank the Carp. Her art book of poems about bees and beekeeping, Tell the Bees, was released in October 2019 by A3 Press, and her chapbook of poems about food, Full Mouth, will come out from Finishing Line Press in spring 2020. She lives in Amherst, Massachusetts, with a teenager, a black cat, a white dog, and three beehives.
“ I've been keeping bees for five years now, following their tiny dangerous lives through the seasons and watching them try so hard to keep going. So many things are against them: Pesticides, parasites, disease, and climate change all make survival difficult, especially when it comes to making it through New England winters. This poem is about losing a hive, but it is also about our greater hive, our whole world heating up—and my feelings of impotence and guilt over all our losses. ”