Summer 2024 Issue Launched July 31
by Barbara Westwood Diehl
We hope that you enjoy the poems, short stories, and creative nonfiction by the following writers:

Genevieve Abravanel
Amanda Auchter
Caroline Barnes
Al Dixon
Taylor Ebersole
Melissa Darcey Hall
Bari Lynn Hein
Sarah Sugiyama Issever
Nick Manning
Kaecey McCormick
Noreen Ocampo
Maurine Ogonnaya Ogbaa
Genevieve Payne
Nina Colette Peláez
Anne Rudig
Annie Trinh
Ernie Wang
Congratulations to our contest winners, Amanda Auchter (prose poem category), Taylor Ebersole (flash fiction category), and Al Dixon (flash creative nonfiction category).
Special thanks to our contest final judge, the wonderful Kathy Flann.
Thanks to everyone who made this issue possible!
And thank you for being a Baltimore Review reader!
We are now reading for our fall issue: poems, short stories, and creative nonfiction. Our Submittable doors will open on August 8—a short delay so that we can catch up.