Fall 2024 Issue Launched October 27
by Barbara Westwood Diehl
We hope that you enjoy the poems and short stories by the following writers in our fall 2024 issue, which launched on October 27:

Andrea Bradley
Susan Comninos
Lindsay M. D'Andrea
Coby-Dillon English
Jarred Johnson
Stephen Kampa
Andrew Kozma
Julia Levine
Forester McClatchey
Gary McDowell
Wayne Mok
Tony Motzenbacker
Mary Simmons
Mandy Moe Pwint Tu
Thanks to everyone who made this issue possible!
And thank you for being a Baltimore Review reader!
Congratulations to Katherine Tunning and Frank Reilly! Their stories were included in the Best American Short Stories “Other Distinguished Stories of 2023” list.
We are now reading for our winter issue: poems, short stories, and creative nonfiction—and contest submissions: prose poems, flash fiction, and flash creative nonfiction. Deadline: November 30. We look forward to reading your work.