
Baltimore Review Nominations 2021

by Barbara Westwood Diehl

The following contributors' poems, short stories, and creative nonfiction were nominated for special recognition during 2021. We wish them, and all our contributors, the best as they continue to share their wonderful writing.


Pushcart Nominations


“Laundry,” Emily Franklin

“The Man Approached by Dead Lovers,” David Bergman 

“Wintering,” Mike Nees

“To the Howling and Back,” Justine Chan

“Paradise,” Chido Muchemwa

“Heritage,” Yunya Yang


Best Small Fictions Nominations


“Intersection,” Basmah Sakrani

 “The Sudden Ocean,” Nicholas Maistros

 “The Best Day of Middle School,” Jeffrey Bean


Best Microfiction Nomination


“The Daughters,” Patricia Patterson


Best of the Net Nominations

“Home From the Wars,” Claire O’Connor
“We Hold Our Treasures, We Bury Them,” Maria Zoccola
“The Reckoning,” Emily James
“All I Can Tell You,” Kathleen Melin
“Kawana Campsite,” Mary Ardery
“Devil Watching as, in the Midst of Your Isolation, Your Child Insists on Opening All of Her Umbrellas,” Charlie Clark
“Stricken Ghazal,” Emily Rose Cole
“Ghazal after the Electrocardiogram,” Chera Hammons
“Everything is a Prayer to Something,” Lance Larsen
“In Which Love Is a Kind of Falling,” Adrian S. Potter


We also sent copies of our annual print compilation to the Best American series editors and a pdf of stories published in our summer and fall 2020 and winter and spring 2021 issues to O’Henry Prize Stories.
