Amy Small-McKinney
Amy Small-McKinney’s second full-length book of poetry, Walking Toward Cranes (Glass Lyre Press, 2017) won the Kithara Book Prize 2016. Her work appears widely in journals, such as Connotation Press, Construction, American Poetry Review, The Indianapolis Review, Tiferet, Pedestal Magazine, and is forthcoming in ONE ART: a journal of poetry. Her poem “Birthplace” received Special Merits recognition by The Comstock Review for their 2019 Muriel Craft Bailey Poetry Contest. Small-McKinney’s reviews of poetry books have appeared in several journals, for example, Prairie Schooner. Her poems have also been translated into Romanian and Korean. She resides in Philadelphia where she teaches community poetry workshops and private students.
The Doctor Said We Need to Return in Two Months After Further Testing Including Bloodwork
“ During this virus, this isolation, my husband was ill. The day the rehabilitation center was going to ban visitors, I brought him home. While caregiving, I felt all that caregivers know well, but often fear saying out loud, exhaustion, frustration, resentment, and did not want to hear, one more time, how strong I was. I was in mourning, deeply submerged in anticipatory grief. Finally, we had to make the impossible decision to not have another surgery. He entered hospice here at home. Surrounded by family, he died late June. We write what we must, don't we? ”