
Working 9 to 5: Baltimore Review Literary Arts Week Event

by Barbara Westwood Diehl

Told Siri: "Give me a creative writing prompt," and she said, "That may be beyond my abilities at the moment."

Asked Siri to read me a poem, and she said, "I'm not sure that's such a good idea, Barbara. I write the fourth-worst poetry in the universe." Another try yielded: "Oh freddled gruntbuggly/Thy micturations are to me/As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid.../Oh, even I can't listen to this anymore."

Asked Siri to tell me a story, and she said, "One upon a time, in a virtual galaxy far, far away, there was an intelligent young agent by the name of Siri." The story ended with "And they all lived happily every after." The middle was, well, not memorable.

Register for our Literary Arts Week event (via our event calendar on our Facebook page or by emailing editor@baltimorereview.org), and I guarantee you we'll be more helpful than Siri.



Writing 9 to 5

A Literary Arts Week Event

Celebrate the workplace history of Baltimore with an open mic reading of your work-related stories and poems at the Baltimore Museum of Industry. Writing prompts from the editors of the Baltimore Review will help you craft your working life into literary art.

We'll share some samples of work-related creative writing, provide writing prompts to get your pen moving, and have open mic time for those of you who like to share your work. (If you're shy, just sit back and enjoy.) You can come early or stay later to enjoy the museum. A cool place. Refreshments. Plenty of parking.

All you have to do is send us a quick email at editor@baltimorereview.org to let us know you're coming.

Free, of course. It's Free Fall in Baltimore

Sun Oct 13 1pm – 3pm

Baltimore Museum of Industry – 1415 Key Highway

