
Books on Our Nightstands, Unedited (Part 2)

by Holly Morse-Ellington

We called upon our editors to share the stacks of reading material on their nightstands with this directive: Please don't edit or weed out guilty pleasure books and beach reads—unless they're REALLY guilty reads. Here’s a compilation of what we’re actually reading, or at least dreaming of reading when the need for sleep wins out over our love of books.


Andrew Roberts' new biography of Napoleon, Six Drawing Lessons by William Kentridge (The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures), Black Diamond, a southwest France Inspector Bruno mystery about wine and truffles by Martin Walker, the latest issues of The Hudson Review and Poetry magazine, and a poetry book by Michael Robbins, Alien vs. Predator, that I've never been able to finish.

 - Michael Salcman



Eventually decided not to include my car owner's manual, not because I'm ashamed it's still on my to-read list, but because I can't find where the hell it is.  Oh well . . .

 - Jonathan Green


My current reading primarily reflects a newfound interest in writing fiction. There's also the new annotated autobiography of Laura Ingalls Wilder (guess that qualifies as a guilty pleasure?), a collection of World War I poetry, and Natasha Trethewey's Native Guard. I read a fair amount of online journals, too, which are represented by the iPad.

- Ann Kolakowski


Check out my obnoxious stack of books. The top-most is a pulp novel, from the fifties, about a giant. I'm writing a story now about a ten-foot-tall guy and someone in internetland recommended I read this one. It's not very good at all.

- Seth Sawyers


Love McCarthy, not to mention Tolstoy (I looked through every title of each pic).

- R. F. Grant

By R. F. Grant on Aug 18 2015